"Love is calling us to action”

“Love is Calling Us to Action,” by Dave Palley. The pandemic focuses our love.  Please enjoy this ode to kindness, family, art, music, home, country, and planet.  It is a call to action.  What, and those, we love need our active support now more than ever.  Watch, listen, and “share the love.”



Sheltering in place can feel lonely, but in
Togetherness, we do our parts.
Our distancing in space is not for ourselves only; it’s for
Those we hold closely in our hearts.

The planet’s stressed: pandemic’s spreading everywhere.
The world reels from the ordeal.
The economy’s collapsing and everyone is scared, but
Nothing matters like the love we feel.

Love is calling us to action. What’s
Happ’nin’, we’re a large part of.
Heed the call. No kindness is too small.
Care: Share the love.

To save our dear ones from a virus, We
Mobilize, cooperate — Here’s
Hoping our example might inspire us
To battle climate change. The hour is late!

Good government, it turns out, is a good thing For
Solving problems in the public sphere. If you’re
Weary of the wing-ding in the West Wing,
Help us turn the voters out this year.

Love is calling us to action. What’s
Happ’nin’, we’re a large part of.
Heed the call. No kindness is too small.
Care: Share the love.

Has the American Dream become a nightmare? Freedom
Crushed like equality? Is
Force the only source of power? Or
Can love restore our liberty?

Love is calling us to action. What’s
Happ’nin’, we’re a large part of.
Heed the call. No kindness is too small.
Care: Share the love.
The world nee-eeeds our love.


Alternate Versions