Entering retirement, a young man needs perspective. Downton Abbey and Mother Teresa help provide it.
Housekeeping is my new profession. Housekeeping now is my career,
My fitness regime, my source of esteem, what gets me up off of my rear.
The workday world was my castle; its moat was the daily commute.
In retirement don't count me a vassal: housekeeping's a lordly pursuit.
Big picture and the so-called small things of life.
Housekeeping involves the so-called small things of life.
Big picture
Big picture
As lord of the house one has duties, grounds to keep and bills to pay,
Stables to tend, hurt feelings to mend, etiquette by night and day.
And Mi'Lady's my best friend, my old joy. The household is rightly hers.
“He leads best who serves best,” says Tolstoy. It’s true, so I have learned . . .
Housekeeping is picking up stuff or, better, putting away
The things that you use and prefer not to lose time over to find the next day.
You can make it a joy or a duty; you will harvest whichever you sow.
Bigger smiles, less clutter, more beauty – make for a cheerful chateau.
Big picture and the so-called small things of life.
No great things. Only small things done with great love
Big picture
Big picture
Keeping the house is a good thing. So too is keeping the home
A place where love flourishes,
A place that nourishes, above all a place of shalom.
Where love is what fills the big picture, where kindness attends every chore
Where helping one's true love is scripture and togetherness never a bore.
Big picture. Small things done with great love.
No great things. Only small things done with great love
Housekeeping . . . . . Big picture . . .
Great love. . . . .